Image: Boy Scout badges layered on top of each other. Text: Scout Day

Scout Day 2023

Saturday, Jan. 21 - 10 a.m.-5 p.m. National WWI Museum and Memorial

The worldwide scouting movement had its birth in the years leading up to the Great War. Continue the long connection between WWI and Scouting with Scout Day at the Museum and Memorial!

  • General Admission tickets for $5 will be available (online and onsite) to all Scouts and Scout Leaders. Scouts and Scout Leaders must be in uniform to receive discounted admission. Other guests may purchase regular admission tickets (online and onsite).

  • If you have a question about whether your group qualifies, contact Education at or 816.888.8113.

  • Adult chaperones are required. One adult per 10 children (14 and younger), at a minimum. Scouts must be accompanied by an adult leader for the Tower and for the Museum Store.

Scout Day at the National WWI Museum and Memorial is made possible through the generosity of Dr. Doug and Barbara Cusick and Family.


Boy Scouts merit badge guide

Did you know that you can earn merit badges at the Museum and Memorial? Download the guide here:

Print booklet   Mobile booklet