Image: black and white photograph of a young white man in 1960s military uniform standing in a scrubby field, looking over his right shoulder. He is carrying a handheld microphone and a film camera with a long-range lens. Text: 'Vietnam: / A combat photographer's view of the war / 1967-1968'

Vietnam: A Combat Photographer’s View of the War, 1967-1968

Saturday, Nov. 11 - 1 p.m. Auditorium and Online

During the Vietnam War, the U.S. Army Combat Photographic Team filmed the everyday moments and pivotal events of this transformative time in United States history. Peek behind the lens of Vietnam veteran Chip Osborn, who led the U.S. Army Combat photographic team in telling stories from the rice paddies to the Vietnamese Demilitarized Zone, as he recounts his role of capturing history through images. On the 50th anniversary of the end of the Vietnam War, join us in honoring all veterans of this era and beyond.

Free with RSVP | Auditorium and Online

CONTENT NOTICE: Presentation contains a few mildly graphic images and a video that incorporates the sound of gunfire.

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